Joey D.

I started crossfit in July of 2017 right here at Fed Hill!  I can’t believe it’s been that long! I was moving to Baltimore at the time and definitely wanted to try out something new.  I grew tired of the typical gym lift routine and knew I could be getting better workouts in.  CFH looked like an awesome community to join and try out, and it stuck!

I’ll never forget my first class. Overhead squats with Coach Marissa. I was so humbled by the fact that I couldn’t hold the bar over my head with correct form.  Right then and there I knew I’d be hooked because there were so many things for me to work on that I could get better at.  And that’s still true to this day! The best part about Crossfit is that you get to challenge and push yourself everyday.  Always learning something new and always trying to get better. 

I’m sure I share this experience with a lot of other members in the fitness community, but crossfit and CFH in particular have helped me so much in terms of mental health.  The ability to forget everything else and focus on yourself/get a great workout in at the end of each workday has made an incredible impact.  It’s easily the thing I look forward to the most each day, and I always leave the gym feeling accomplished.  The physical improvements over the years have been great as well, but that’s just icing on the cake.

I absolutely love our gym and our community.  I’m very thankful I stumbled in 4 years ago.  I’ve made so many friends, brought in family, and have seen myself grow immensely as a direct result of CFH. Can’t wait to see what the next few years have in store!

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