Olympic Lifting

Next Cycle Starts: Tuesday October 5th at 6:30 pm. If you want to book a spot please Email us FederalHill@IndustryAthletics.com

Current Cycle: June 22nd 2021 to August 22nd 2021.

Olympic Lifting with Coach Laura is a cycle we run at Industry Athletics. Laura has her USAW certification and has been teaching Olympic Lifting here at Industry Athletics for over two years.

Coach Laura showing us how it is done!

We have two olympic lifting platforms, a set of jerk blocks and dedicated Olympic Lifting barbells.

We have members who only use the platforms, barbells and blocks. If you are interested in Oly Lifting on your own outside of a class feel free to sign up! The prices are the same and can be found on our membership page HERE.

Two platforms + Oly Plates + Oly Bars

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