We are 100% committed to our member’s safety and abiding by all city-mandated regulations throughout the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here is a list of the ways we are keeping you safe.
- Classes are capped at 25% of our total capacity per Baltimore City regulations
- We wear masks at ALL TIMES
- Athletes enter the gym through the side door to have their temperature taken. If the coach is wrapping up a class when you get to the gym, just wait on one of the colored dots inside the door until they can get to you.
- Workouts are limited to 45 minutes to give us time to sanitize equipment between classes
- Everyone has their own square and equipment to maintain social distancing
- If you travel (car, train, plane, bicycle, any mode of transportation), or socialize outside your usual “bubble” please keep our community safe and take THREE days away from the gym to monitor your symptoms. The cases we have had in the gym from travel could have been avoided with just a three day grace period
- Not a COVID procedure, but there is NO MEMBER PARKING in front of the gym. Please find street parking