CFH Intramural Open Points System

Now that teams have been assigned (and updated! – If you signed up for the Open this week, check out the teams list to see what team you’ve been put on!), we have outlined below the system for awarding points each week. During the Open season we will be posting each week on Thursdays the points totals and which Intramural Open team won for the prior week.

Weekly Points will be awarded for:

-Top 3 Scaled athletes = 3 points each

-Top 3 RX athletes = 3 points each

-Best Selfie: Team Captain must submit weekly team selfie to CFH email by Monday morning = 5 points

-Best Team Spirit: Based on best Friday Night Lights performance as a team. Decided on by CFH coaches = 5 points

-Teammates who log a score on = 1 point

There will be additional challenges each week that teams can earn extra points by…

Week one challenge:

Photo submission: Most obscure place to do a handstand. Team captains must submit a photo by Monday to the CFH email. We will then post it on the CFH Facebook Group for people to vote on.

Week two challenge

Challenge to be announced on Friday March 3rd

Week three challenge

Challenge to be announced on Friday March 10th

Week four challenge

Challenge to be announced on Friday March 17th

Week five challenge

Challenge to be announced on Friday March 24th


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