Big News at CFH!

We Are Expanding!

When we opened my goal was to bring CrossFit to Federal Hill.  So much has changed since then.  It has become much more than a gym with people that are much more than athletes.  It is a special place that I absolutely love to be in and around. That is because of you, the community, who creates the feel and atmosphere of the gym.

Your overwhelming support has allowed CFH to expand! We will have another location opening up in Harbor East! I truly mean this when I say that I owe it to anyone who is reading this.  Because of your support we were able to acquire CrossFit Harbor East.

I will be doing a huge town hall meeting there to announce all the changes.  You are more than welcome to attend! We will do a big group workout at the end. I will announce the meeting on our blog also.

There will be some re-branding going on, but in the end I will bring over our coaching, strong community and fun workouts to the other side of the harbor. Thanks again.  I could not be more excited to take this on.

A few common questions, let me know if you have any more.  My door is always open.

1) Can I access both locations? 

Yes, we will have a membership option for that.  It will be more expensive, but it will be available.

2) What if I want to drop in once a month?

That is perfect! You can drop in at the other location for a max of once a month as long as you have filled out the waiver at that location.

3) Can I switch gyms?

Yes, even if you are under a commitment you may switch gyms.

4) Will Harbor East have parking?
Not currently, but I will work on it.
5) Will the programming be different?

No, we will run the same workouts each day at both locations.  This is pending on building the equipment to match the capabilities of CFH.

Thank you again for all of your support!

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