We all come to the gym multiple days a week, sometimes too many, in order to stay in shape, build our muscles, master the next best skill, or look good for upcoming bathing suit season. As we get older, we worry about keeping our bodies in the best possible shape to set ourselves up for a long, healthy life. Although it may hurt a little more to get out of bed, at the end of the day we all know we’re doing something for the greater good of our physical health. On top of that, exercising at the gym can really help with your energy level. There is nothing worse than being tired all the time, and going to the gym can play a big part in this.
But what about your brain? How often do you do something constantly varied, functional, with intensity for your brain? The older we get, the further we are from the institution of education. There’s no teacher or professor standing in front of a classroom forcing you to use parts of your brain that you wouldn’t otherwise. So how do you keep your brain as strong as your body? In order to keep you from being a strong adult with a flabby mind, I have gathered some quick and easy ways to strengthen that forgotten about body part.
Here are some easy ways you can switch up your routine in order to keep your brain as strong as your six-pack:
Brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand. Do all steps backwards, turn the faucet on, apply the toothpaste, etc. with your “other” hand. Forcing yourself to use your non-dominant
side of your brain will keep both sides of your brain firing away.- Memorize your grocery list. Start small, 2 or 3 items. Over time, challenge yourself to memorize your entire list before going to the store.
- Sit at a different seat when you eat dinner. If you’re one of those people that sit in the same spot every night as you eat, switch it up! This will give you a different perspective of your surroundings and keep things fresh.
- Grab a newspaper (Remember, those black and white papers that leave ink on your hands, contain news and comics, sometimes even delivered to your front door?) and do the Sudoku, crossword puzzle, and other brain games the
y have to offer. While you’re at it, read about some current events! - Switch up your normal routine. If you’re anything like me, my morning routine is so methodical I can tell you the exact minute I am pouring my dog’s food into his bowl. Move things around. Feed the dog before you turn on the coffee maker instead of after. Shower after you brush your teeth (with your opposite hand!) instead of before. Little things to keep your mind alert!
- Play with loose change. We all have that cup holder in our car that holds loose change. When you’re at a stoplight, play with that loose change. Identify the coins by touch. Your brain is so used to using sight to identify objects. Switching up the senses you use will strengthen the synapses in your brain.
- Be more social! If you’re used to scrolling through Facebook while eating lunch alone, put down the phone and strike up a conversation with a stranger. Have device-free-dinner and talk to your family about their day. Usually get your afternoon drink from the vending machine? Walk up to the counter and purchase your drink from a sales person. Ask them how their day is going. Being more social is not only good for your brain, it’s good for the soul.
These won’t help you get a muscle up, but they will help you memorize all the how-to-muscle-up videos you watch on YouTube.
Written By: Blair Bayne