CORE Nutrition Coaching – Revamped!

You may or may not know that coach Alexa offers one-on-one Nutrition coaching here at CFH. Alexa is  currently pursuing a Masters of Science in Nutrition and Integrative Health with a specialization in Human Clinical Nutrition at the Maryland University of Integrative Health and is dedicated to helping others achieve their best selves through nutrition and healthy lifestyle.


The CORE Nutrition Program is undergoing a slight re-structuring. Alexa will still be offering her nutrition services at CFH, but the structure of the program will be changing slightly for new clients to offer a more thorough intake and initial reset process. Here is what to expect:

First Month: $150 – this includes a detailed intake form, initial InBody scan, 90 minute sit down meeting with Alexa for her to learn about you and outline a detailed program for success. Be prepared to begin daily journaling of your food, workouts, water intake, and sleep for this initial 30 day period. The first 30 days will include frequent (every couple of days) check ins from Alexa via email/ text to monitor your progress.

After first month: $50/ month – This includes a 30 minute monthly check in meeting/ InBody scan and less frequent (once/ week) check ins from Alexa to monitor your progress and make any necessary tweaks/ changes to your plan.

A 3-month commitment is required to begin one-on-one nutrition coaching, but can be continued as long as you would like.

If you are ready to commit just click HERE and get signed up.  Alexa will reach out as soon as your order comes through!

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