Gymnastics Clinic!


Coach Matt and Candace will be running a new Gymnastics Clinic that will run once a month for 4 months.  These courses will not build upon each other but will cover different topics each month.  If you want to attend all 4, great!  If you just want to attend 1 or 2 depending on the topic, that works too.

The first course will be on pull-ups, but will be broken into two different groups.  One group is for beginner athletes who just got (or are soooo close!) their first strict pull-ups.  We will go over building strength, building shoulder stability, and cleaning up the “gymnastic kip” – if you have the prerequisite strength/positions.

The second group will be for a more advanced or experienced athlete who has kipping pull-ups, but knows that after a few reps, it turns into frog kicks and flailing. This group will work on efficiency in the standard kip, as well as beginning or improving the butterfly kip.

Everyone can also look forward to a little flexibility work as this is key in gymnastics as a whole (it’s not all about pure power and strength!)

If you know that you have soft hands… bring grips, gloves, or tape!

First Installment:
Date/Time: Sunday, May 7th from 10am-12pm
Topic: Pull Ups
Cost: $30 per class
Note: You are just signing up for this month’s gymnastics course.  You don’t have to commit to all of them at once!  This is for the 2 hour course and some takeaways given by your skilled coaches. 
Coach Matt has his CrossFit Gymnastics certification and has run several specialty classes and groups before at CFH.
Candace has a handful of younger years as a high level gymnast as well as being a competitive cheerleader through high school and college.  She has coached both gymnastics and cheerleading at competitive levels.

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