Upcoming Gym Schedule for December

Hi Industry Athletics Family,
Below you will find the schedule of all the events and holiday schedule for the month of December. We have a lot going on this month (which is GREAT).  We want to make sure you are aware of the events so that you can plan your schedules accordingly, especially for the holiday. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send us an email. We appreciate all of you and what you bring to our community.
Also, do not forget about Coach Jamie’s snatch clinic this Saturday, 12/16/17, from 12:30pm-3:30pm. This will be a great opportunity to learn and fine tune your technique. The link is below in the schedule. Check it out!
December Events and Gym Schedule: 
12/14/17- Harbor East White Elephant Gift Exchange with Coach Park at Handle Bar Cafe (7:00 pm)
12/15/17- Federal Hill- White Elephant Gift Exchange with Coach Ryan at Delia Foleys (7:00 pm
12/16/17- CFH Closed due to Level One (CFHE open to CFH members) 
12/17/17- CFH open gym from 5:30-7:30 pm
12/16/17- Burpee Fundraiser 9 am CFHE- Donate HERE-(Scroll to the bottom of the home page) 
12/16/17- Snatch Clinic- Harbor East (12:30-3:30- Sign up HERE)
12/23/17-  Normal schedule at Federal Hill. 9 am and 10 am only at Harbor East
12/24/17- Open gym 9 am – 11 am (CFH and CFHE)   
12/25/17- Closed for Christmas 
12/26/17- Federal Hill – Noon, 4:30 and 5:30. Harbor East – 4;30, 5:30 and 6:30
12/31/17- Open gym Federal Hill (9 am-Noon) and Harbor East (10-Noon)  
1/1/18- Federal Hill 10 am and 11 am- Federal. Hill 10 am only at Harbor East 
1/20/18- FIVE Year Anniversary Party- Sign up HERE
1/27/18- Battle of Baltimore- 1/27/17 (CFH closed) 

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