February Committed Club!

February may have been a short month but we still had 4 members make it into the Committed Club.  (Sorry for the mistake, here are the amended members and numbers!) Congrats to: Fernando Elizalde 25 Mallory Beck 21 Matt Metzger 21 Stephen Varitikias 20 Next time you see them in the gym give them a high … Read more

Athlete Spotlight – Stephen V.

Stephen is a dedicated “nooner” and you will see him at the gym consistently between 3-4 times each week. At the end of last year, Stephen worked 1-on-1 with Alexa for Nutrition coaching and most recently completed the CFH Eat Clean Challenge. During the 6-week Challenge, Stephen lost 7 lbs of body fat, and added … Read more

Open Intramural Scores!

Great job on 17.1! We had a great turn out on Friday night and almost everyone input a score. Make sure to keep up the hard work throughout the next 4 weeks! Below is the breakdown of the intramural points after Week 1. Keep up the good work team! Top 3 Rx Male & Female … Read more

Strong is Beautiful

“Although beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, the feeling of being beautiful exists solely in the mind of the beheld.” -Martha Beck Many people would define beautiful as a certain aesthetic. To me, beautiful is more of a feeling than a sight to behold. Beautiful is strong and doesn’t care what other … Read more

Improve Your Rowing – The 4 Basic Positions

If you can nail down these four positions, your rowing will gradually improve as you become more proficient and efficient.  Forget about the distance or if we are rowing for cals or meters.  For the purpose of this article we will be focusing on positions that will improve your overall stroke.  Four things to focus … Read more


Reach High Baltimore Erg-a-thon Reach High Baltimore, a part of Baltimore Community rowing, is the most diverse team in Baltimore.  It brings together people of all backgrounds in order to give an opportunity to compete in rowing competitions and take steps necessary to get into college.  To learn more about us click the link here. … Read more

17.1 Tips and Strategy

17.1 Rundown   Use this advice and these tips to help you do your best with the first workout of The Open! Dumbbell snatches and burpee box jump-overs.  This workout is all about the engine.  Once you get yourself comfortable with the snatch weight, it’s about moving.  Get comfortable with the uncomfortable.  You’ll want to stop … Read more

CFH Intramural Open Points System

Now that teams have been assigned (and updated! – If you signed up for the Open this week, check out the teams list to see what team you’ve been put on!), we have outlined below the system for awarding points each week. During the Open season we will be posting each week on Thursdays the … Read more

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