Back by popular demand, Coach Laura will be running our reset challenge this January to help us start strong and feel good the rest of the year! Coach Kelly will also be teaching Sunday Yoga classes for reset challenge participants.

Register HERE

More info below but, here is a quote from an IA athlete that participated last year, “I can’t recommend Coach Laura’s reset program enough. The nutrition piece really changed my game!”.

What is it? 

The purpose of IA’s annual Reset is to provide structure, guidance and bite-sized goals for sustainable changes in behavior on three often deprioritized aspects of health:

1. Nutrition, 2. Stability & Mobility, 3. Mindfulness.

When is It?

January 8th through February 12th

How Does It Work?

Sundays @ 10:15: Meet for Weekly Preview, Review and Group Discussion 

Sundays @ 11 am: Yoga with Kelly

Thursdays @ 6:30 pm: 30 minute Mobility and Stability Sessions 

24/7: Group Track on SugarWOD for Goal Tracking and Educational Resources

Are There Prizes?

Yes! You will get points every time you track goals in the SugarWOD, plus points for meeting, yoga, and mobility session attendance. Even if you can’t come to anything in person, that’s okay, we encourage you to participate anyway!

What is the Cost?

$90 (that’s $15/week for 3 in-person sessions, group accountability + daily online goals!) 

Ready to reset? Sign up today!

What Are You Waiting For?

Fill out the form and we'll be in touch to schedule a free intro - your first step in getting started at Industry Athletics.