Foundations 2023

CrossFit Federal Hill is excited to launch a new format for how we will onboard new athletes!

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We know how overwhelming it can be to join any gym or attempt to start any fitness routine or lifestyle change let alone join a CrossFit gym where you are seeing movements you likely have not experienced before so, we are committed to setting up everyone in our community for success! Beginning January 9th, we will run our foundations program the first and third week of every month so new athletes have an ongoing opportunity throughout the year to get started right away with a small group. This way, you get the knowledge and introduction to CrossFit and you get to make some new friends that are starting out the same way you are. During the first and third week of every month, foundations classes will run Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights at 6:30pm. In class, you will learn the movements, terminology and ideology of CrossFit with an experienced coach. The cost of the 3 session week of foundations is $150 and, if you join CFH on your last night of foundations classes, we will take $100 off of your first month of membership fees! If the dates and times of our foundations program don’t work for you, we will be happy to set up 3 personalized one-on-one foundations classes with you at your preferred days and times for $250. Ready to start your CrossFit journey?

CLICK HERE to sign up for foundations!

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