HYROX Run Club

Our HYROX Run Club will meet at the gym every Tuesday at 7am beginning August 6th. We will run outside, rain or shine, so be prepared. The workouts will be mixed distances and appropriate for all levels. 

Since there is a total of 8K of running in a HYROX race, most of the workouts will be centered around a combined total of about 2 – 4 miles and you can plan for the entire workout to be one hour or less. If you are training for a ½ marathon distance or more, these workouts would still be great to implement on your short run or speed days.

We will plan separate workouts once in a while (probably an evening or weekend) for anyone that wants to run longer distances.

The workouts will be coach led but you will be fully able to go at your own pace so, you can bring your buds or talk to your buds. It will also be very helpful to bring your own timing device (watch, phone, stop watch is ideal).

You can reserve your spot in HYROX Run Club in Zen Planner the same way you reserve your CrossFit classes (email us at federalhill@industryathletics.com if you do not see HYROX Run Club listed in your Zen Planner reservations page). You can also see the workouts ahead of time in SugarWOD. Just go to Tuesdays and make sure you select HYROX from the drop down menu (not Workout of the Day). 

Here is an example of what a HYROX Run Club workout would look like:

  • Warm Up Drills
  • Improver Option:

4 x 400m intervals

   Run 400m at RPE 8-9 then walk or jog 400m

  • “Couch To 5K” style Option:

8x 2min RUN, 1min WALK

See you on the run! 

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