6 week mobility and stability program free to IA members.

Sign Up HERE!

Join us for a 6-week Mobility & Stability course. Using bands, kettlebells and bodyweight exercises, we will work to gain full-body movement resiliency by actively accessing joints’ full range of motion. These sessions are meant to identify and address unilateral weaknesses, strengthen movement patterns through all three planes of motion, and give some love to the small muscles that contribute to big lifts but often get overlooked. A little bit of prehab, a little bit of accessory – it’s the movement you need to keep coming back to WODS feeling healthy and strong.

When is it?

Thursdays from March 23rd through April 27th with Coach Laura

5:30 – 6:15 pm 

Register for free HERE.

What Are You Waiting For?

Fill out the form and we'll be in touch to schedule a free intro - your first step in getting started at Industry Athletics.