Latest Happenings
March Committed Club
Congratulations to our March Committed Club Members. These people attended (and signed into!) 20 or more classes during the month of March. They showed a solid commitment to CrossFit and, more…
Adopt A Beginner’s Mindset
As a coach, it’s my job to teach athletes how to move well, avoid injury, and become fitter. What most people don’t realize is that in the process of coaching,…
Long Term Results
Everyone has a few reasons as to why they are coming to the gym. We all want to feel and look our best. Some people want to deadlift the world….
Athlete Spotlight – Rachel A.
Spring has sprung at CFH. Along with longer days and warmer weather, springtime brings the return of outdoor running WODs. Some love them, others dread and avoid them. Last week…
Final Open Intramural Scores!
We can’t thank everyone enough for all of their hard work, dedication, and patience during the Open! We have completed all 5 weeks and are stronger athletes because of it. Found…
Macros 101
If you spend any amount of time on weekly basis in a CrossFit gym, you have inevitably heard the term “macros” more often than you hear people talk about their…
How to Train Your Abs… I Mean Core.
We all want the aesthetics. In CrossFit, we try to chase performance. Heavier squats, faster mile times and better scores, but deep down guys and ladies all want to look…
Taking Progressions Seriously
I was going to write a long blog article on why progressions the coaches give you are so important to follow, which they are. The coaches are here to help…
Athlete Spotlight – Kathy and Susannah
Two long-time CFH members, Kathy and Susannah, are bidding CFH farewell after many awesome years when they move at the end of this month. If you have ever been a…
Intramural Open Scores – Week 4
Great job on 17.4! We had another great turn out on Friday night with some exciting and inspiring performances. Stay strong, we only have one week left! And don’t forget…
Workout of the Day
Attention IA Members
Please login to ZenPlanner to reserve your spot in class or for open gym. Please only reserve one spot per day and un-reserve at least one hour before the start of class if you won’t be able to attend.
Workouts for our Workout of the Day, DRIVE, GarageFit, and Demand can be found on sugarWOD. If you are a member and don’t have the password, email If you are not a member and want to discuss programming-only options, please also email!